Investment Process
Goal: Construct portfolio to provide return objectives while minimizing risks
We work to provide our clients with these key benefits:
- Reduce the amount of time to manage assets
- Select investments most likely to help achieve your institution’s objectives
- Accommodate risk tolerance level and any unique constraints
- Control investment expenses
- Effectively manage tax liability if applicable
- Stay abreast of new investment developments and products
- Update your investment strategy as appropriate
- Reduce unnecessary investment risks
InvestmentHunter Wealth Services will provide money management for a client after a thorough review of a client’s goals, risk profile, and financial understanding. Our philosophy is primary that of a long- term, buy and hold strategy in a balanced well-diversified portfolio.
- Provide wealth preservation, wealth growth, wealth stewardship, and wealth administration
- There are many benefits for using an independent investment advisor
- Manage asset classes which include stocks, bonds, REITs, MLPs, precious metals, and mutual funds
- Provide advice based on estate and tax information
- Comprehensive Approach
- Fees based on assets under management (AUM), so clients never have to worry about hidden costs